Youth Group

Are you ready to experience a vibrant and transformative journey of faith for your teenager? Look no further than the Youth Group at West Side Church of Christ. Our Youth Group is a thriving community dedicated to empowering and equipping young people to live out their faith boldly and authentically. Here's why you should consider joining our Youth Group:

  1. Unshakeable Faith Foundation: Our Youth Group is committed to helping young people develop a solid foundation of faith in Christ. Through engaging and relevant teachings, interactive discussions, and Bible studies tailored to their unique needs, we equip teenagers with the tools to navigate life's challenges and make godly choices.

  2. Thriving Community: We foster a welcoming and inclusive community where teenagers can form deep and meaningful connections with peers who share their values and beliefs. Our Youth Group is a place where young people can build lasting friendships, find support, and journey together in their faith. We believe in the power of relationships to encourage and inspire young hearts.

  3. Impactful Worship and Discipleship: Our Youth Group provides opportunities for teenagers to actively engage in worship and discipleship. From passionate worship services to impactful small group discussions, we create an environment that nurtures spiritual growth and encourages young people to develop their unique gifts and talents.

  4. Relevant and Inspiring Programming: We understand the importance of addressing the unique challenges and issues teenagers face today. Our Youth Group offers programming that is relevant, practical, and designed to equip teenagers to navigate their faith in the midst of a rapidly changing world. We cover topics such as identity, relationships, decision-making, and serving others, providing guidance and support throughout their journey.

  5. Fun and Memorable Activities: We believe that faith should be exciting and enjoyable! Our Youth Group organizes a wide range of fun activities, retreats, service projects, and outings. From game nights and movie outings to community service projects and youth conferences, we create opportunities for young people to build lasting memories, foster friendships, and deepen their connection with God.

  6. Mentoring and Leadership Development: We are passionate about investing in the next generation of leaders. Our Youth Group provides mentoring relationships and opportunities for teenagers to develop their leadership skills. Through mentorship programs, leadership training, and service opportunities, we empower young people to make a positive impact in their communities and become influential leaders in their own right.

At West Side Church of Christ, our Youth Group is more than just a program—it's a dynamic and supportive community that embraces and nurtures the faith journey of teenagers. We invite you to join us and witness the transformation that happens when young hearts are ignited with the love of Christ. Come and be part of a youth community where faith comes alive, friendships are formed, and lives are forever changed.