Meeting Times
Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Small Fellowship Room

Ladies’ Bible Class

We are thrilled to introduce you to the Ladies' Bible Class at West Side Church of Christ, a dynamic and inclusive community of women who gather to study the Bible, grow in their faith, and build meaningful connections. Our Ladies' Bible Class is specifically designed for women of all ages, creating a space where women can come together to explore God's word, support one another, and deepen their understanding of the Scriptures.

Here's what you can expect from our Ladies' Bible Class:

  1. Diverse Community: Our Ladies' Bible Class welcomes women of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life. Whether you are a young mother with preschoolers, a working professional, a student, or a seasoned lady with a wealth of life experience, you will find a place among us. We believe in the beauty of diversity and cherish the opportunity to learn from one another's perspectives and journeys.

  2. Engaging Bible Study: Our Bible studies are designed to inspire and challenge women in their understanding and application of God's word. Through in-depth studies of various books of the Bible, relevant topics, and practical life applications, we explore the Scriptures together. We encourage open and respectful discussions, allowing for a deeper exploration of the biblical truths and their significance in our lives.

  3. Childcare for Mothers of Preschoolers: We understand that being a mother of preschoolers can sometimes make it challenging to attend Bible studies and engage in spiritual growth. To support you, we offer childcare services during our Ladies' Bible Class. Our dedicated and trained childcare staff provide a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones, giving you the opportunity to focus on the study and fellowship without worry.

  4. Authentic Relationships: Our Ladies' Bible Class fosters authentic relationships among women. We believe in the power of genuine connections and the support that comes from sharing life's joys and challenges together. You will have the opportunity to form deep and meaningful friendships, find support, and build a network of women who genuinely care about your spiritual journey and personal well-being.

  5. Growth and Encouragement: Our Ladies' Bible Class is a place where you can experience personal growth and be encouraged in your faith. We provide an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and grace where women can be vulnerable, ask questions, and wrestle with the complexities of life and faith. Together, we seek to grow closer to God, deepen our understanding of His word, and apply biblical principles to our everyday lives.

We invite you to join our Ladies' Bible Class and be part of a community of women who are passionate about studying the Bible, growing in their faith, and supporting one another. Regardless of your age or stage of life, we believe that you have a valuable contribution to make and that your journey of faith is important. Come and experience the joy of studying the Scriptures together, forming deep connections, and growing in your love for God and His Word.